About Finnish Burners

This is a community website for members and friends of Finnish Burners.

Exploring Our Community: A Nexus of Creativity and Shared Values

Our community is inspired by the culture and principles surrounding Burning Man, deeply rooted in the ethos of co-creation, participation, and self-expression. We are a collective that thrives on the unique contributions of each member, encouraging everyone to participate selflessly and bring their skills and selves into play. At the heart of our activities is the celebration of individuality and personal boundaries, while simultaneously pushing the boundaries to try new things and foster personal growth.

Community and experiential engagement are central to everything we do. Our purpose is not just about individual participation but about sharing and exposing ourselves to the knowledge, skills, and preferences of others. This exchange enriches us all and helps to cultivate a space where creativity and learning are paramount.

Our initiatives, such as Helsinki Decompression, embody these principles. They are platforms where art and expression are not just observed but intensely felt and interacted with. Here, every attendee is a creator—there are no spectators. Whether it's through constructing art installations, performing, or facilitating workshops, everyone is actively involved in shaping the experience.

Financial gain is not the purpose of our endeavors. Rather, we hope that partners and participants join us with an open mind, engaging in our activities with a spirit of generosity and mutual respect. This approach fosters a vibrant community atmosphere where trust, collaboration, and the joy of making and sharing are at the forefront.

In essence, we are more than just a community; we are a living, breathing culture of creativity and mutual respect—a place where anyone can contribute, learn, and grow within a supportive and dynamic environment.

Feel welcomed to join! Get more info by subscribing to our newsletter!