Black Rock Sauna Society

Black Rock Sauna Society
Sauna in Burning Man in 2019

We are a vibrant camp of 70-80 individuals from Nordic regions and across the globe, committed to fostering a deep sense of community, belonging, and unity at Burning Man. Each year, we introduce a sauna to the playa, providing BRC residents with authentic steam experiences. This sauna serves not only as a sanctuary to momentarily escape the Playa dust but also as a serene retreat to unwind from the city's bustling energy.

Burning Man offers a transformative journey for many, and we want to embrace that transformative power at Black Rock Sauna Society too. For Finns, the sauna is more than a steam room; it's a sacred space for introspection, mental clarity, and purification. It's where we shed the old and embrace renewal. Here, barriers dissolve, facilitating meaningful conversations, mutual understanding, and personal growth, despite our usual preference for solitude. We wish the camp can reflect this as well, enabling growth and amazing experiences to all of us. We invite you to forge new friendships, support one another, explore new experiences together, and immerse yourself in joy. 

In addition to our evergreen mission, each year’s camp members decide what kind of a project they want to create. Is partying a theme of the year? Or would we like to emphasize tranquility and have meditation sessions in the sauna yard? These are all to be discussed and co-created!

Below you can find more specific details about how to become a camp resident, the fees and facilities provided.

Sauna in Burning Man in 2019

What is the sauna like and how is the sauna ran?

In 2023 we built a new sauna out of a storage container! It gives a very good steam - a really proper sauna! 

During Burning Man, the sauna is open 3 hours in the afternoon and 3 hours at night. This we have already promised to those who place camps in the Black Rock City and think about the overall flow and services of the city. All camp members are expected to take a shift as a sauna elf, telling guests about Finnish sauna culture (let’s create some stories together!:D) and making sure they have a nice experience. 

Camp Fees

The camp and its operations are financed by collecting camp fees from its members. It’s fairly straight forward but the important points are:

  • Any person who is camping in the camp's area is subject to the camp fee, regardless of the degree to which they make use of the camp’s facilities.
  • The camp fee is equal for all camp members and it covers the entire duration of the event.
  • There are NO DISCOUNTS or partial fees for any reason.
  • The final amount for the camp fee for 2024 will be announced after finalizing the budget and might be amended before the event.

Provided by Black Rock Sauna Society

Your camp fee is used by Black Rock Sauna Society to provide things like:

  • Meals, twice a day
  • Access to drinking water
  • Gray water collection & disposal
  • Access to electricity
  • Sheltered camping area for tents
  • Parking areas for approved residents’ vehicles (RVs by special request only)
  • The camp’s spectacular sauna project
  • A private, communal lounge
  • A misting system in the lounge

Residents are typically required to provide their own:

  • Tent & sleeping equipment (to be placed under the camp’s shade structure)
  • Bikes or other on-playa transportation
  • Emergency food & water (at least two days / 5 gallons worth)
  • Transportation in / out of the event
  • Hands, mind and spirit willing to help build this community and tear it back down

Burning Man Tickets

Becoming a resident DOES NOT give you a free ticket to Burning Man. All residents are required to buy their own tickets to the event. Naturally, we will provide all applicants with as much information and assistance as possible.

To participate in the Main Sale, you must register for it.

See ticketing information on the Burning Man website.

We usually have a “Buy Fest” at some suitable location to meet friends and try to score some tickets together!  We will share the best tips and tricks, and will also have online meeting lines open. It is an awesome night of excitement, please join if you can!

If you get through the lottery into the main sale and have the financial means to, we encourage everyone to buy extra tickets. Even if you do not need one or two, we will offer the extra tickets internally to other campmates who could not get into the main sale. This way we improve the chances of all getting tickets and it has worked wonders every year so far. It  is our chance to help you and as many of our campmates get a ticket! 


We want to emphasize that this isn’t a serviced camp. Black Rock Sauna Society is a participatory experience and requires all residents to take their share of shifts with duties ranging from kitchen to sauna elfing to strike. By becoming a resident, you are committing to participating in one of the camp teams, taking the required number of shifts at the sauna and in the kitchen, and fulfilling your duties in them. Our camp teams are: sauna, kitchen, LNT, camp, logistics, and community. 

Before Playa: 

  • choose a team of your interest and participate in its planning process.
  • Participate in community meetings to get to know everybody. 

On Playa

  • Everyone is expected to participate in at least 2 shifts of their choosing.
  • Take care of your team responsibilities
  • Show up for the community. You don’t have to hang in the lounge all the time - it’s Burning Man! But you need to be a safe and familiar camp mate in order for other camp members to be able to trust the community and fully experience the transformative power of the Burn. 
  • Participate in the tear down and clean up of the camp

After Playa

  • Participate in the wrap up and feedback for next year.

Becoming a resident

If you need more inspiration, join our activities online or in real life. We often meet in Helsinki and at burns around the world. We also communicate on our online platforms (Finnish Burners FB group) and via the newsletter on this site.

For more inspiration: For more inspiration:

A person becomes a camp resident after they have been approved by the camp management and have paid the camp fee.

(Oh and by the way, one really important thing: this is how you pronounce sauna.)