Last days to buy Helsinki Decompression 2025 tickets with cheaper prices!

The VAT increase from 10% to 14% affects to Helsinki Decompression ticket prices too. There are no purchase limits for 2024, so grab your tickets now!
Helsinki Decompression 2025 ticket prices during 1.-31.12.2024:
- Pretty Pretty 80€ (basic price)
- Community Aunt / Uncle 120€ (community support price)
- Lit Cousin 50€ (low income ticket a.k.a. LIT, limited availability)
-> Learn more about Lit Cousin ticket availability & the application process and the importance of Community Aunt / Uncle tickets!
Helsinki Decompression 2025 ticket prices during 1.1.-28.2.2025 - IF there's any left then!
- Pretty Pretty 90€
- Community Aunt / Uncle 130€
Greetings from LIT team to decompressionist/as who are about to apply for a LIT 🔥
The Low income ticket application form will close at 12:30 PM on Monday, December 30, so send your applications by then!
The more clear information regarding your level of income you send us, the less we have to come after your butt 🍑And make sure your name is on your documents 🍌
Also please remember that the deadline to redeem LIT vouchers is at 23:59, December 31, after which they are no longer valid.
Let’s do magic!
Your LIT crew ❤️🔥

Helsinki Decompression is an event made by you and me—it's an event from the community for the community. Everything is based on participation and the ticket sales: the sooner you buy your ticket, the sooner we can secure the venue and ensure we meet all legal requirements (such as security, first aid, Teosto fees, etc.). As of now (Dec 30th 01:30) you, our dearest participants, have purchased this many tickets—so we are ready to proceed at full speed! 💜
Who benefits and in what order
After covering the basic necessities with ticket income—such as security, first aid, Teosto fees and all mentioned above—we allocate funds to essential infrastructure like electricity, Leave No Trace and fencing.
The remaining income is distributed to the community to support art projects, installations, and all the creative magic that makes Helsinki Decompression truly special: aligned with the principles of Burning Man, any profits will be used to benefit the community. We do not pay salaries for the production team but rather allocate financial support for as many projects as possible. Everything is financed purely by ticket sales: the more we sell the more we share ❤️🔥
By joining the event with your friends you help make Helsinki Decompression shine in all its glory! Remember, Helsinki Decompression is not something someone produces—it’s created by all of its participants! 🦄

The theme for Helsinki Decompression 2025 is Mirrors of self-discovery, and now we are inviting your creative minds to shape the event’s visuals! Your design could be featured in event communications, wristbands, and wherever the community desires!
Welcome to co-create Helsinki Decompression 2025!
💜 Helsinki Decompression Production Team Wizards
Member discussion