Helsinki Decompression

Helsinki Decompression
The theme for Helsinki Decompression 2024 was Bubbles of Parallel Universes.

Helsinki Decompression is a vibrant celebration of creativity and community, spanning two exhilarating days. As a regional Burning Man event in Finland, it invites participants to dive deep into the Burning Man culture and embody its principles. This unique event transforms the conventional boundaries between spectators and creators, inviting everyone to become an integral part of the artistic process. At Helsinki Decompression, there are no spectators; every attendee is a creator, collaboratively shaping spaces, experiences, and art installations.

The event is a carnival of co-creation, where the community comes together long before the event to brainstorm and collaborate, ensuring every moment is filled with surprise and collective creativity. From music to multidimensional artistic expressions, the event is tailored by and for the participants, embodying the joy of togetherness and the thrill of shared artistic adventure.

Since 2023 Helsinki Decompression has been arranged during the Easter time.

Helsinki Decompression 2024: on left the Shadow Bridge stage, pic by Kristýna Mertová, on right the Monolith by Kalle Oja and Jani Kalasniemi, pic by Antti Väisänen

Participation and Creation

At Helsinki Decompression, every idea counts, big or small. Whether it's an interactive installation, a performance, or simply giving out free hugs, the event is a playground where adults shed their titles and embrace their creativity without limits. The content and programming are driven entirely by participants, making each installment of Decompression uniquely magical.

Helsinki Decompression is also devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Pic on Elsa's request by DALL·E.

Art and Performance

Art at Helsinki Decompression is not just viewed but experienced and interacted with, fostering a community-driven, inclusive, and interactive art scene. Performances here transcend traditional boundaries, focusing on creativity and communal participation rather than mere execution.

Workshops and Music

The event offers workshops where knowledge and skills are exchanged, enriching the community's collective expertise. Music and dance are also central to the Decompression experience, vital for celebrating life and decompressing from daily stresses.

Pic from Helsinki Decompression 2023 by Valentina Morales Buschmann

Financial Support and Tickets

Funded by ticket sales, art grants are available to support creative projects, emphasizing the community-driven nature of the event. Everyone, including DJs, performers, and artists, contributes by purchasing a ticket, reinforcing the principle of equality and co-creation.

Pic from Helsinki Decompression 2023 by Valentina Morales Buschmann

Helsinki Decompression on social media

Helsinki Decompression Facebook group
Helsinki Decompression Instagram profile